Conservation Commission Meeting
Town Hall - 25 High Road
Tuesday, February 26, 2013 at 9:00 am
Next Meeting Date: March 19, 2013
Present: Ed Deardon, Dan Streeter, Chairman Doug Packer, John Hartnett, Les Jones, John O’Connell
Meeting opened at 9:00 am
Continued Hearing of 2/19/13 – Steve Bandoian (41 Annapolis Way) to repair and/or replace damage from December 2012 storm; deck, stairway, restack existing stone and placement of sand at dune.
The Commission held a site visit on 2/25/13 where they reviewed previous material. Coir bags at this property were never tied into rocks as intended, which caused subsequent erosion. Mr. Bandoian intends to replace rocks eroded away. A revised plan was presented, along with a 4 page written review and comments. These new plans show rock replacement that does not “tie” into adjacent bags. This plan was discussed; concern was expressed over wave action on the proposed solution.
Coir bags are on either side of the applicant, but he chosed not to use them. He is not open to other solutions at this time. Abutter Thomas Nee express his thoughts on how the erosion occurred. Abuttter Bob Connors presented new photos showing results of the erosion, and gave his views on how & why the erosion took place.
Details of proposed design plan were discussed. Coir bags vs. armored protection. Discussed working together on future solutions. Hearing continued to March 19th meeting date.
Other Business:
Leonard Dobson (38 Old Point Road) – Proposed changes to DEP File No. 050-1088
Mr. Dobson was not present for this agenda item.